
In 1952, a group of five men began meeting together to pray and plan for a Christian school in Strathroy.  Gathering 35 members, this devoted group of Christians accepted the responsibility to instruct children in the understanding that our world and everything in it belongs to God.  Through the grace of God, a two-week summer course focusing on the Bible, church history and geography was launched while plans for the elementary school were prayerfully developed.

Strathroy Community Christian School opened its doors on September 7, 1955 and has been educating students and serving the community since then, when it was called John Calvin Christian School.  At that time, it opened with 57 students and a budget of only $7,500.  Since then, SCCS has seen student numbers above 200, the building of a new facility in 1996, and a budget that is now over $1,000,000. 

The school has been owned and operated by its members, the Strathroy Community Christian School Society, since its inception.  Parents, grandparents, and alumni have contributed their gifts and talents to the school to help shape it into the place it is today.  Our Board of Directors continues to be composed of volunteers with a passion for Christian education.

The number of people in this community, and those surrounding Strathroy, that have a connection to this school is a testimony to not only the quality education that is provided, but to the impact that our school has had on those around us.  We strive to provide a quality, Christ-centred education so that our students continue to be equipped to make an impact in the ever-changing environment around us.

As we prepare students for working the jobs of tomorrow, we realize that education is changing and so we must too.  Our students learn the skills they need like technology, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and discernment.  Our children also learn who they are in Christ and how to use these skills to be a light in the darkness.  In doing so, we are actively working towards our vision of providing an outstanding, transformative education of body, mind, and spirit.

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